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As I was getting ready to launch the new series 'Blossom', I started to procrastinate. Is now the right time to launch a series titled Blossom when its currently raining and dark outside? I started to think should I wait until spring and launch with the beautiful serene season of Spring when the trees blossom, the early flowers push through the earth and many things come to life. It got me thinking do we over plan and set ourselves unrealistic deadlines which result in us losing our natural flow and put ourselves under pressure to meet these deadlines which then results in delaying us blossoming and growing to our full potential? 
Can we just go with the flow and blossom and grow without the pressures of thinking about the past and future. I think the more we go with the flow, the calmer and happier we will become. When we attempt to get things our way, we become stressed instead of letting things flow naturally. 
There is a Japanese concept called 'Ikigai' which is about finding the secret to a long and happy life, I recommend the book 'Ikigai' by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles , there is a chapter in there called 'find flow in everything you do' which talks about living in the present "there is no future, no past. There is only the present". 
I have taken inspiration from this book for my blossom series, the content, the creative, the colours, my approach of being calm and not putting unnecessary pressure on myself. Everything about this book makes me stop and take a moment, I have the book on my fireplace ready to refer to when I need to bring myself back in the present and appreciate all the wonderful things in life today.  
I practice been in the present and going with the flow when I am creating a piece of art. I sometimes find this hard as I mentally start to seek approval of the viewer before I have even started the piece. I must remember, I am creating the piece of contemporary art for me, to help me in the moment, express my thoughts in a creative way and if viewers like it and my piece brings joy to their life and awakens their imagination than that is simply just a brucie bonus. 
Staying creative should not be about others, it is a tool for you and only you. If the viewer sees the piece of art, whether that be a flower painting or an abstract art piece that is for sale and it brings them joy, makes them smile, evokes feelings and imagination then this is a bonus that I can share my creative flow with others. 
1. Practice consistency – try not to do things once and then never again; I will repeat what makes me blossom. 
2. Action – do what you say. I have a terrible habit of thinking I am going to do something, or watching a video for inspiration thinking about what I could do and then not doing it. I am going to aim to get up and do it! I watch alot of workout videos lol.  
3. Focus – focus on the task in hand. This will allow me to be present, in the moment and put my heart and soul into what I am doing. 
4. Do not force it - If your not feeling it, stop. I have found if I force my creativity, my canvas usually ends up painted black – I am yet to understand why but it is a pattern I regularly see. 
5. Do not set unrealistic deadlines and put unessary pressure on yourself.  
Try the above and blossom with me.  
Have a peek at the blossom collection and see if any pieces would compliment the interior design of your home or even just spark your imagination.  
Peace and love always 
Al Pal x 

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